@article{prima, author = {Ganis Wirawan}, title = {Perilaku Kepemimpinan Berorientasi Hubungan Dan Tugas Sebagai Anteseden Komitmen Organisasional, Self-Efficacy Dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)}, journal = {Prima Ekonomika}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, year = {2013}, keywords = {}, abstract = {This study is aimed at analyzing the influence of the worker perception aboutthe leadership behavior which is relationship-oriented and task-oriented from theleader or the supervisor towards the work through organizational commitmentand self-efficacy. The results of the research show: 1) the tendency of the leadersin applying leadership behaviour with relationship-oriented and task-oriented ishigh, and so are the self-efficacy, organizational commitment, and extra-role(OCB) workship (either the employee or the employer).2) The influence of leadership behaviour with relationship-oriented and task-oriented towards extra role (OCB) workship is not significant. The correlationsamong those variables undergo changes after they were intefered by self-efficacyand organizational variable as the moderator variable. 3) The result of thisresearch shows that self-efficacy variable mediates the influence of leadershipbehaviour with relationship-oriented towards extra-role workship (OCB), ratherthan mediates leadership behaviour with task-oriented. While, the organizationalcommitment mediates leadership behaviour with task-oriented towards extra-role(OCB) workship, rather than mediates leadership behaviour with task-orientedtowards the employee of OCB.}, issn = {2621-4148}, url = {https://jurnal.stieykp.ac.id/index.php/prima-ekonomika/article/view/30} }